Notes on the consolidated financial statements
The notes to IFRS consolidated financial statements prepared in the EU must contain disclosures on newly adopted standards and interpretations (IAS 8.28) as well as on standards and interpretations that have been issued but not yet adopted (IAS 8.30). The following provides an overview of the current status (end of November 2018) of the standards and interpretations issued by the IASB that have to be reported on pursuant to IAS 8.28 and IAS 8.30 in IFRS consolidated financial statements prepared in the EU as of 31 December 2018.
EU Endorsement
The following table contains standards and interpretations that have not yet been adopted by the EU and those that have been adopted since 1 January 2018. These are based on the EU Endorsement Status Report issued by EFRAG on 2 November 2018.
The national European enforcers audit the financial statements of companies with securities traded on a regulated market in Europe or in the process of admission to the market. The financial statements are prepared in accordance with the IFRSs and reviewed to determine the extent to which they comply with the IFRSs and other applicable reporting requirements, including the authoritative national legal requirements.