Proposed Highlights Include: Corporate Income Tax Small business corporate income tax rate is reduced to 2% from 2.5% effective April 1, 2017. Combined federal/BC small business corporate income tax rate following reduction will be 12.5%. Scientific research & experimental development tax credit is extended for five years to August 31, 2022. B.C. mining flow-through share […]
Month: February 2017
Issue 113

We have countries trying to attract new investment: Greece, Hong Kong, Russia. Countries trying to curb avoidance: UK (both companies and individuals), Spain (rental properties). Changes to the reporting requirements for Transfer Pricing or country-by-country reporting: China, Singapore and Korea (as well as introducing an exit tax). We have countries going for greater transparency in its economy: Argentina introducing an amnesty to encourage further disclosure, Switzerland introducing automatic exchange of information and greater transparency and India attempting to curb the cash economy. Finally, we have Australia revising some of its cross-border GST provisions.
Shareholder Benefits & Loans

- Shareholder Benefits & Loans
- Taxation of Trust & Beneficiaries
- 2017 Automobile Rates for Tax Purposes
- Around the Courts