News & Events


  • Leases
  • Inter-Corporate Dividends
  • Charitable Donations On Death
  • Taxation Of Put And Call Options
  • Employee Stock Options
  • Around The Courts

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Issue 118

Welcome to the September 2018 edition of Tax Link.

Tax Link is a Nexia publication that gives the readers access to the latest
updates from across the globe. The articles were sourced from tax
professionals across the network, who provide insightful country information
on both national and international
This edition contains 12 articles, that vary from EU – Court declares important
German cross border tax provisions to violate EU-law, US Exporters: FDII
Deduction’s in tax reform’s, Cryptocurrency regulations in India, Poland and
Slovakia, UK VAT consequences of ‘no deal’ Brexit , Tax reform in France to
OECD hybrid mismatch rules in Australia.

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Superficial Losses

  • Superficial Losses
  • Rollovers Into Certain Personal Trusts
  • Splitting Pension Income With Your Spouse
  • Deduction Of Life Insurance Premiums
  • Prescribed Interest Rates
  • Around The Courts

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