News & Events

Issue 20

Publications of IFRS rules by the IASB

  • Clarification of Acceptable Methods of Depreciation and Amortization (Amendments to IAS 16 and IAS 38)
  • Amendments concerning Acquisitions of Interests in Joint Operations (IFRS 11)
  • New standard for accounting for Regulatory Deferral Accounts (IFRS 14)
  • Exposure Draft on the Presentation of the Financial Statements (IAS 1)
  • IASB publishes discussion paper on macro hedging
  • Determining the effective date for IFRS 9
  • Consultation procedure as part of the post-implementation review of IFRS 3

Adoption of IFRS standards by the EU

  • Standards adopted
  • Update of standards not yet adopted

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Issue 19

Publications of IFRS Rules by the IASB

  • Annual Improvements to IFRSs 2010-2012 Cycle
  • Annual Improvements to IFRSs 2011-2013 Cycle
  • Exposure Draft on the Annual Improvements to IFRSs 2012-2014 Cycle
  • Standards amendment on hedge accounting (IFRS 9)
  • Standards amendment on accounting for Employee Benefits (IAS 19)
  • Exposure Draft on Permission to use the Equity Method in Separate Financial Statements (IAS 27)
  • Consultation procedure as part of the post-implementation review of IFRS 3

Adoption of IFRS standards by the EU

  • Standards adopted
  • Update of standards not yet adopted

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Issue 105

  • Australia Transfer Pricing Update
  • India Deputation of employees could result in permanent establishment (PE) and tax implications in India
  • Malaysia Deemed interest income from loans or advances to director
  • Malta Introduction of the permanent establishment/branch exemption in Malta
  • Puerto Rico A new aggressive economic and tax incentives programme
  • Spain Expert committee for tax reform report

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Issue 104

  • Brazil Brazil ends transitional tax regime and changes corporate tax rules
  • China China’s transfer pricing landscape gaining ground
  • Germany Tax policy of the new German government
  • Germany German Federal Financial Court rules on compatibility of transfer pricing documentation requirements with EU law
  • Malaysia Malaysian Goods and Service Tax
  • Netherlands New substance requirements
  • Poland Limited joint-stock partnerships (LJSPs) are now subject to corporate income tax
  • Singapore Voluntary disclosure programme: to disclose or not to disclose?
  • Spain New resident visa and resident permit for foreign investors
  • UK Transfer pricing ‘loophole’ for individuals closed by HMRC

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