News & Events

Tips and Traps for Management Corporations

Are you a director, employee, or independent contractor? Tax Principal Annelie Vistica provides tests and criteria for all of the above, as well as speaking to their respective implications

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The 2015 Federal Budget: Nice Changes and New Perspectives

June 2015

  • 2015 Federal Budget
    • Capital Gains Exemption for Farm/Fishing Property
    • Donating Proceeds of Private Company Shares, or Real Estate, to Charity
    • Foreign Property Reporting Simplified for Many
    • Home Accessibility Tax Credit
    • Manufacturing & Processing — Capital Cost Allowance
    • Penalties Relief — Repeated Unreported Income
    • RRIF Minimum Withdrawals Reduced
    • Small Business Corporate Income Tax Rate Reduced
    • TFSA Contribution Limit Increased to $10,000
    • Veterans who are Injured
  • Dangers of Filing a Corporate Return Very Late
    • There is a serious danger in doing this
  • Around the Courts

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Issue 108


  • China New rules for indirect transfers by offshore parties (Controversial SAT circular 698 updated)
  • Denmark Denmark introduces anti-avoidance rules
  • Hungary Efficient tools of the Hungarian tax authority
  • India Union budget 2015 – venturing India into the global economy
  • Mauritius Global Business Incentives and BEPS
  • Poland New regulation related to the thin capitalization restrictions in Poland
  • Singapore Myanmar: The golden land beckons – a Singapore perspective
  • Switzerland Transfer pricing in Switzerland – some general aspects
  • United Kingdom Diverted profits tax


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Employee Stock Options

May 2015

  • Employee Stock Options
  • Foreign Exchange Gains and Losses
  • Caregiver and Infirm Dependant Credits
  • Making Tax Instalments
  • Earned Income for RRSP Purposes
  • Around The Courts

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Issue 22

IASB publishes amendments to IFRS 10, IFRS 12 and IAS 28

  • IASB publishes amendments to IFRS 10, IFRS 12 and IAS 28
  • IASB publishes amendments to IAS 1 – Disclosure Initiative
  • Annual Improvements to IFRSs (2012-2014 Cycle)
  • Amendments to IFRS 10 and IAs 28 – Sale or Contribution of Assets between an Investor and its Associate or Joint Venture
  • ED/2014/6 Disclosure Initiative – Amendments to IAS 7
  • ED/2014/5 Classification and Measurement of Share-based Payment transactions (IFRS 2)
  • ED/2014/4 Measuring Quoted Investments in Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures and Associates at Fair Value
  • ED/2014/3 Recognition of Deferred Tax Assets for Unrealised Losses (IAS 12)
  • Other Standard Setters
  • EFRAG – Draft endorsement advice on IFRS 15 (Revenue Recognition)
  • EFRAG – Adoption of IFRS 9 back on the agenda

Adoption of IFRS standards by the EU

  • EU Endorsement
  • EU Endorsement Status Report
  • New rules subject to mandatory adoption as of the 31 December 2014 reporting date
  • New rules subject to voluntary adoption as of the 31 December 2014 reporting date
  • Standards applicable after the reporting date – so far without EU endorsement

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