News & Events

Issue 25

New standard on accounting for leases with IFRS 16 “Leases”, the IASB published a new standard on accounting for leases on 13 January 2016. The IASB and the US standard setter FASB initiated the joint project back in 2006 with the aim of introducing improved accounting for leases, in particular by the lessee. Differences of opinion in relation to a few key areas meant that they failed to arrive at a uniform standard. The IASB decided in favour of a single-model approach at the lessee, while the FASB implemented a dual model in its new standard on leases. Based on the single-model approach of the IASB, the lessee will have to recognise assets and liabilities for most leases in the statement of financial position. While the lessee no longer has to distinguish between operating leases and finance leases, this distinction will remain in place for lessors.

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Issue 112

This issue is a mix of opportunities and warnings, both of which should make for interesting reading.

At a time when the world is focussed on the outcome of the OECD Base Erosion Profit Shifting action plan, it is good to know that countries are still hoping to attract investors through a favourable tax regime. Here we have guidance on opportunities for clients and contacts interested in investing in Switzerland, Hungary, Tanzania, Indonesia, Cyprus and Jordan. But we also have warnings, whether it be general anti-avoidance in Poland, China and Singapore or specific new documentation requirements for multinationals in Japan. As will be seen from Spain, sometimes it is not the law which is changing but how the law is interpreted by the courts. As ever, investors need to be aware of what is happening in these countries.


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HST Rate Changes

June 2016

  • HST Rate Changes
  • Tax Breaks for Persons with Disabilities
  • Do you Make Donations to U.S. Charities
  • Gasoline Tax Refund for Charities and for Persons with Physical Disabilities
  • Spousal Support — Payments to Third Parties
  • Can You Sue the CRA
  • Around the Courts

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Issue 24

Notes on the consolidated financial statements

  • Effects of new or amended standards and interpretations (IAS 8.28)
  • IFRIC 21 Levies
  • Annual Improvements to IFRSs (2011-2013 Cycle)
  • New or amended standards and interpretations not applied (IAS 8.30)
  • Annual Improvements to IFRSs (2010-2012 Cycle)
  • Amendments to IAS 19 “Defined Benefit Plans: Employee Contributions”
  • Amendments to IFRS 11 “Accounting for Acquisitions of Interests in Joint Operations”
  • Amendments to IAS 16 and IAS 38 “Clarification of Acceptable Methods of Depreciation and Amortisation”
  • Amendments to IAS 16 and IAS 41 “Agriculture: Bearer Plants”
  • Annual Improvements to IFRSs (2012-2014 Cycle)
  • Amendments to IAS 1 “Disclosure Initiative”
  • Amendments to IAS 27 “Equity Method in Separate Financial Statements”
  • Amendments to IFRS 10, IFRS 12 and IAS 28 “Investment Entities”
  • Amendments to IFRS 10 and IAS 28 “Sale or Contribution of Assets between an Investor and its Associate or Joint Venture”
  • IFRS 14 “Regulatory Deferral Accounts”
  • IFRS 15 “Revenue from Contracts with Customers”
  • IFRS 16 “Leases”


  • Draft Interpretation DI/2015/1 on taking into account uncertainty over income tax treatments
  • Draft Interpretation DI/2015/2 on currency translation
  • Leases – current developments regarding the effective date
  • IASB issues Exposure Draft on Annual Improvements to IFRSs 2014-2016 Cycle
  • IASB issues draft on limited amendments to IAS 40
  • IASB proposes narrowly worded amendments to pension accounting
  • IASB issues Exposure Draft on Conceptual Framework
  • First-time application of the amendments to IFRS 10 and IAS 28 to be postponed indefinitely
  • Other Standard Setters
  • ESMA issues final Guidelines on Alternative Performance Measures

Adoption of IFRS standards by the EU

  • EU Endorsement
  • EU Endorsement Status Report
  • IFRS 9 – EU endorsement recommended
  • IFRS 14 will not be endorsed in the EU

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