News & Events

Issue 27

IASB includes:

  • Revision of IFRS Framework completed
  • IFRS 17 “Insurance Contracts” published
  • IASB publishes exposure draft on Annual Improvements to IFRS Standards 2015-2017 Cycle
  • Exposure draft on IFRS 8 “Operating Segments” published
  • Published exposure draft on IFRS 9 “Financial Instruments”
  • IASB publishes exposure draft on IAS 16 “Property, plant and equipment”
  • IFRIC 23 “Uncertainty over Income Tax Treatments” published.

EU Endorsement includes:

  • EU Endorsement Status Report.

ESMA includes:

  • ESMA issues report on the application of IFRS 13 “Fair Value Measurement”
  • ESMA issues Q & A on the Guidelines on Alternative Performance Measures
  • ESMA – Enforcement decisions published.

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Finance’s Proposed Tax Changes to Billed-Basis Accounting for Professionals

In the 2017 Federal Budget, the Department of Finance proposed rule changes on how professionals report income for tax purposes. 

Specifically, Finance has proposed to eliminate professionals’ use of billed-basis accounting for income tax purposes in order to prevent a deferral of taxation.  Accordingly, the new rules will significantly affect the cash flow of professional businesses in the short term as income taxes may need to be paid on income that is recognized before cash is actually received from clients.  The proposed changes will apply to taxation years that begin on or after March 22, 2017. (more…)

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NDP’s BC Budget Update

The new NDP Government of British Columbia just announced its first Provincial Budget.  The budget included changes to tax rates, among other things.  Please take note of the following tax increases effective 2018:   Increase in personal income tax rate: Effective for 2018 and subsequent years, tax rate increases to 16.8% from 14.7% on taxable […]

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Issue 115

Introduction to Tax Link

Welcome to the Autumn edition of Tax Link.

This edition of Tax Link presents articles sourced from Nexia International’s network of tax experts to provide insight into global issues, topics and trends. Due to the nature of the network the articles are diverse and offer current information for discussion and provide knowledge for practice.

With OECD BEPS being an ever trending topic a number of the articles cover the specifics and general views from different country perspectives. The articles see China’s latest effort to incorporate OECD BEPS concepts into its special tax investigation and adjustment procedures, India’s journey in the adoptions of BEPS and the Swiss outlook on transfer pricing and development of BEPS procedures amongst others articles. The UK discusses the updates from the Finance Bill and recent tax updates, whilst the US provides an overview of Trump and taxes.

Once again I must extend a huge thank you to all the contributors and the publication team for their commitment in producing this Tax Link publication. If you would like any further information on the topics in this edition, the contributor’s details are provided for each article and they are happy to give further detail.

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Finance’s Proposed Changes to Tax Planning for Private Companies

On July 18, 2017, Finance released its 63-page consultation paper, “Tax Planning Using Private Corporations”, regarding significant proposed rule changes to address tax planning for private corporations. Specifically, the paper is aimed at tax planning strategies that Finance views to be unfair, including income sprinkling, holding passive investments, and converting income into capital gains with […]

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CRA Access to Your Records

  • CRA Access to your Records
  • Public Transit Pass Credit Eliminated — Timing
  • In Vitro Fertilization as a Medical Expense
  • GST/HST on Settling a Business Dispute
  • Transferring Shares to your RRSP
  • Around the Courts

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