Child Care Expenses

  • Child Care Expenses
  • Interplay Between Credits in Respect of Firm Dependents
  • Tax Treatments of Options
  • Associated Corporations
  • Around the Courts

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“Rectification” to Fix Tax Mistakes

  • “Rectification” to Fix Tax Mistakes
  • Request a Determination If You Have a Loss
  • RRSP, RRIF and TFSA Fees Will Have to be Paid From the Plan
  • TFSA Contribution Limits
  • Make Money Volunteering for a Charity
  • Watch Out for Short Taxation Years
  • Around the Courts

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Changes to Principal Residence Rules For Non-Residents


  • Changes to Principal Residence Rules For Non-Residents
  • New Reporting Rule for Principal Residence
  • Income Attribution Rules
  • Kiddie Tax on Minors
  • New Rules for “Linked Notes”
  • Prescribed Interest Rates
  • Around the Courts

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Changes to Eligible Capital Property Rules


  • Changes to Eligible Capital Property Rules
  • Foreign Exchange Gains and Losses
  • What Happens on a Change of Control of a Corporation?
  • New Rules for “Switch Funds”
  • New Testamentary Trust Rules in Full Swing
  • Around the Courts

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You Can be Liable for Family Member’s Tax Debts!


  • You Can be Liable for a Family Member’s Tax Debts!
  • A Tip if You Have a Corporation and No Employment Income
  • Banks Must Accept Cheques for Income Tax Payments
  • Non-Compliance in the Real Estate Sector
  • Around the Courts

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Moving Expenses

August 2016

  • Moving Expenses
  • Loss Carryovers
  • Affiliated Persons
  • Stock Dividends
  • Prescribed Interest Rates
  • Around the Courts

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Deducting Your Car Expenses

July 2016

  • Deducting Your Car Expenses
  • Earned Income for RRSP vs Child Care Purposes
  • Gains and Losses from Personal-Use Property
  • Tax-Free Savings Accounts (TFSAs)
  • Around the Courts

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