Income Splitting and Attribution Rules

  • Income Splitting and Attribution Rules
  • Extra Deductions for Commissioned Salespersons
  • Employee Home Office Expenses:
    – Flat Rate Method During Covid
    – Principal-Residence Exemption
    – Car Expense Limits for 2021

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Capital Gain Reserve

  • Capital Gain Reserve
  • The Capital Gains Exemption
  • Personal-Use Property Gains and Losses
  • Deduction of Investment Fees
  • Change In Use Rules
  • Around The Courts

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Taxable Covid-19 Benefits

  • Taxable Covid-19 Benefits
  • Acquisition of Control of Corporation or Trust
  • “Zero Coupon” Debt Instruments
  • Employee Loans
  • Tax Loss? You Need A Source of Income
  • Around The Courts

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Working at Home – Tax Issues

  • Working at Home — Tax Issues
  • Tax Disputes in a Covid-19 World
  • Credit for Digital News Subscriptions & Other Help For Journalism
  • Gasoline Tax Refund For Charities & For Persons With Physical Disabilities
  • Around the Courts
  • Erratum – May 2020 Tax Letter

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Update on Charity Donation Tax Shelters

  • Update on Charity Donation Tax Shelters
  • Deducting Interest Expense
  • Leap Year Reminder: Trust Return Deadline
  • Don’t Do Too Much Trading in Your TFSA
  • New Standard for the CRA Needing to be “Reasonable”
  • International Tax Rules – Massive Changes
  • Around the Courts

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